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Physical Therapy

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A physical therapist is a medical professional who uses physical techniques including exercise, manual therapy, and assistive gadgets to help patients recover from illnesses, injuries, and surgeries. From newborns to the elderly, they work with patients of all ages to enhance mobility, control pain and avoid impairment.


Physical therapists create specialized treatment programs for their patients using their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. To guarantee patients receive the finest care possible, they collaborate closely with other medical specialists including doctors.


Physical therapists are crucial in helping patients recover from illnesses and accidents, control chronic disorders, and enhance their general well-being.


The physical capacity of a person is repaired and optimized by SWIFT therapists. SWIFT works closely with patients to achieve peak performance through a wholly original whole-frame approach. With the use of this therapeutic method, we treat the human body as a functional unit, where bodily parts are linked and have relationships with one another.
SWIFT therapists restore muscle imbalances and release the body of motion constraints with a comprehensive rehabilitation program. The erroneous compensatory movement patterns are replaced with the right, practical movement styles using a technique called muscle re-schooling. After the baseline feature has been restored, we assist our patients in improving still further by creating and moving them toward the next set of physical goals.


  • Post-operative patients who need extensive care

  • Recreational athletes (e.g. golf, baseball players) who need an education in the right biomechanics

  • Advanced and professional athletes who want to improve basic performance and reverse the cycle of repetitive pressure

  • Multi-sport athletes who require endurance & strength training.

  • Pre/post natal patients who need neuro-muscular education of the muscular tissues

  • Patients with chronic pain and acute pain

Call us now to find out more about how our services can help you today!

(609) 954-4765

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